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Metro Arts Offers Creative and Inspiring Program.

By Lilian Harrington

Program: Metro Arts Launch 2024

Company: Metro Arts

Location: 97 Boundary St West End

Season: Feb -June and July - Dec.

Booking Information phone 3002 7100


What a far cry from their earlier location at 109 Edward St in the City, the new Metro Arts precinct is set behind the green common in the new centre at West End, an exciting hub of activity (formerly the old Peter’s Ice Cream Factory) and now surrounded by numerous cafes, bars and galleries. It really has regenerated a new focus not only in West End but provided a much needed creative centre for Brisbane and Queensland artists.

Under the direction of Executive Director Genevieve Trace it offers opportunities for artists from both the Visual Arts, Music and Dramatic Performance both in West End and in the work spaces in Norman Park, and it encourages new and innovative presentations which can take all forms both ingenious and inspiring for Brisbane audiences both young and old, and families.

Assistance has come from local businesses and Queensland Government partners to help facilitate and provide the necessary levels of opportunity for Metro Arts, so that Queensland Artists can work on a more professional scale with modern facilities and technology.

The launch involved an informative video detailing the program for 2024 , with a handbook available, and there was a presentation from Joshua Taliani,a modern indigenous dancer, who gave a very original and  provocative performance based on his An Unveiling Shadows - a Journey through Silence. This dance was symbolic of the programs being offered this year at Metro Arts which champions bold, brave, and new art. The programs seek to explore, brand new performances and exhibitions all aimed to inspire, challenge, amaze and delight audiences.

Several key companies are taking part in the creative development program which will include workshops and stage presentations namely: Counterplot, The Deadly Theatre Company, Imrse, and Joshua Taliani as well as Anna McGahan and Daniel Wilson, M’ck Mckeague and Company and Ashleigh Musk, Anna Whittaker, and Jenni Large. E.g. Imrse provides a satirical comedy that highlights the dark side such as Cake Eat It, which focuses on Marie Antoinette at the Royal Court `who indulges in some scandalous orgies leading to her final beheading, this play is set for November and looks at the historical aspect and the moral high ground.

Of special interest family shows such as Scaredy House from Counterplot aims to delight and fright and in June Lucas Stibbard performs in an interactive program A Series of Unfortunate Events from Counterplot which promises to be a lot of fun for families.

Further stand- up comedian, Anisa Nandula performs in March, for those 15 + and Femioke with Amy Clare McCarthy, offers a night of song, dance and entertainment on feminism, inclusivity and identity.

The two galleries offer some innovative exhibitions such as ISEA in Gallery Two which offers an electronic art and digital display scheduled for June and in Gallery One there is to be an exhibition of The Garden of Forking Paths by Jarrod Van Der Ryken along with other special exhibitions scheduled to be mounted in the Window Gallery e.g. such as a tantalising feast for the senses by Elizabeth Willing in Kitchen Studio in September - October.

The Metro Arts launch showed that a varied and inspiring year is planned; if you haven’ t been along to their new location and seen the galleries and the new Benner Theatre (named after Sue Benner ) make the effort, you won’t be disappointed, there is something there for everyone!



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