Fund Raising Concert: Doctors swap surgical instruments for musical ones

Pulling together a choir of 60 singers and an orchestra of 80 players in just four weeks for a concert would be challenging enough for most conductors, but Dr Ryan Williams does this whilst working as a General Practitioner in Brisbane and a medical educator at the Griffith University Medical School.
Dr Ryan Williams is the Artistic Director and Conductor for the upcoming concert presented by the Queensland Medical Orchestra and Choir, (QMOAC) 'The Notes of Nature' at St Peter’s Lutheran College Performing Arts Centre this Sunday 2nd April 2023.
While admitting it’s been a lot of work, Dr Williams said it has been enjoyable turning his attention to music.
“The concert will explore Mother Nature; celebrating her beauty, power and wonder through music that has been written over time, as well as across the continents. From Vivaldi’s ‘Seasons’, Holst’s ‘Planets’, Strauss’ ‘Blue Danube Waltz’, to Rowland’s ‘The Man from Snowy River’, there is something for everyone in this concert’s exciting repertoire.
“The group will showcase their talents within the orchestra, and feature virtuosi from its choir, and two soprano voices in duet for Delibe’s ‘Flower Duet’,” Dr Williams said.
All funds raised from the concert will go towards supporting the Rural Doctors Foundation purchase much-needed equipment and assisting with the provision of services.
QMOAC Marketing, Sales and Sponsorship Manager Dr Likely Vrtik said since its inception in 2004, the Queensland Medical Orchestra and Choir has provided an opportunity for medical professionals, students and friends to share their musical talents with the greater community.
“Outside of rehearsals, members range from retired doctors, directors of major hospital departments to first year medical students; from senior allied health specialists to those who work alongside the health professionals. However, inside rehearsals and on the stage, they all work side-by-side to get through that tricky semiquaver run or nail those high notes!” Dr Vrtik said.
With repertoire ranging from symphonic blockbusters to Broadway showtunes, QMOAC performs three concerts a year that aim to please all musical tastes to raise money for numerous charities. Over the past ten years, the group has raised more than $150,000.
“Our community focuses on the wellbeing of the health professionals, encouraging and supporting the pursuit of life outside Medicine. QMO and QMC gives us an opportunity to make amazing music and give back to the community at the same time,” she added.
Notes of Nature is on this Sunday 2nd of April, from 2pm – 4.30pm at St Peter’s Performing Arts Centre, 66 Harts Road Indooroopilly.
Tickets are $38 for General Admission, $33 Concession and $25 for Child. Group tickets of 10 can be purchased at $330. Tickets are for sale on the QMO website a