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Big exhibition for artist and his mum

Artist David O'Halloran (above)from Yarrabilba in Logan City is the son of Artist Judy Pickering and related to one of Australia’s greatest Artists, Tom Roberts.

His works are currently held in Private collections in Australia, Italy, New Zealand, USA, Ireland, Malaysia, Japan, Canada, Korea and South Africa.

Now he has a group exhibition coming up at the Onyx Gallery, 9/ 3 Fermont Road, Underwood, Brisbane, from March 4-11 with Judy Pickering (Above right)and Lynda Faulkner (Above centre).

Judy has not exhibited in more than 30 years, since she toured with Pro Hart and The Brushmen Of The Bush and this will be hers and David’s first showing together and it will be Lynda’s first ever exhibition. The opening night will be the 4th March

As a child, David spent many hours watching his mother paint and exhibit alongside The Brushmen Of The Bush from Broken Hill, NSW. Then as a young man he continued to watch her as she taught him how to pain. David is now passing on all he knows to his own son Mitchel.

He calls himself a Contemporary Realist Artist, specializing in Landscape painting.

David alternates between Oil and Acrylic paint, and uses a combination of brush and palette knife techniques to get the effect he needs. He gives his work texture and is not afraid to use a generous amount of paint, nor does he hesitate to apply the colour in a rich and vibrant appearance on the canvas. O’Halloran captures The Australian Outback in his landscapes.

Below: Untouched Beauty by Dave O'Halloran

the effect he needs. He gives his work texture and is not afraid to use a generous amount of paint, nor does he hesitate to apply the colour in a rich and vibrant appearance on the canvas.

O’Halloran captures The Australian Outback in his landscapes.

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